Topic: How to use a collection with a repeater and Hover Menu

Description:  This topic discusses how to bind a collection to a repeater.  It will also show you how to get the object back by using a AJAX Hover Menu

Notes: (None)

1.  Within your .vb or .cs file, define a collection object and fill it. E.g...

Private Property thisMyObjectCollection() As MyProject.Model.MyObjectCollection
Is Nothing Then
         Return Nothing
         Return CType
(ViewState("thisMyObjectCollection"), MyProject.Model.MyObjectCollection)
End If
   End Get
(ByVal Value As MyProject.Model.MyObjectCollection)
      ViewState("thisMyObjectCollection") = Value
End Set    
End Property

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
   Dim myObjectBLL As New MyProject.MyObject
   If Not IsPostBack Then
      ' This calls an App Logic Layer method that will return a MyObjectCollection
      thisMyObjectCollection = myObjectBLL.GetColectionOfMyObjects() 
      ' This Loads the values into the repeater
      rptMyObjectCollection.DataSource = thisMyObjectCollection
   End If
End Sub

2.  Within your .aspx page, place a reapeater on the page

   <asp:Repeater ID="rptMyObjectCollection" runat="server">


         <tr runat="server" id="trMyObjectCollectionList">
            <td align="left">
               <asp:Label Id="lblMainLabel" runat="server" Text='
<%#CType(Container.DataItem, MyProject.Model.MyObjectCollection).MyObjectsNameField %>' />
               <asp:CheckBox Id="chkSomeCheckBox" runat="server" Checked='<% IIF(CType(Container.DataItem, MyProject.Model.MyObjectCollection).MyObjectsBitField = 1, "True", "False") %>' />
               <asp:TextBox Id="txtSomeTextBoxControl" runat="server" Text='<% CType(Container.DataItem, MyProject.Model.MyObjectCollection).MyObjectsStringField %>' />
               <asp:Panel CssClass="popupMenu" ID="PopupMenu" runat="server">
                  <div style="border: 1px outset white; padding:2px; width:85px">
                     <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEditMyObject" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit" />
                     <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkDeleteMyObject" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" Text="Delete" />
Panel >
      <AjaxToolkit:HoverMenuExtender ID="hmeMyObject" runat="server"
         PopDelay="25" /

3.  You will need to add the repeater's ItemCommand Event to get the object back

Protected Sub rptMyObjectCollection_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterCommandEventArgs) Handles rptMyObjectCollection.ItemCommand
   Dim MyObject As MyClass.Model.MyObject 'Single item, not a collection
   If e.CommandName = "Edit" Then
      ' Get the object
      MyObject = thisMyObjectCollection.Item(e.Item.ItemIndex)
   End If
End Sub

4.  If you have to dynamically work with hiding columns inside a table that are within a repeater, you can use the example below:

If MyCondition = True Then
   If Not rptMyObjectCollection.Items Is Nothing AndAlso rptMyObjectCollection.Items.Count > 0 Then
      For Each
i As RepeaterItem In rptMyObjectCollection.Items
         For Each ctrl As Control In i.FindControl("trMyRepeatersRow").Controls
            ctrl.FindControl("tdMyRepeatersColumn1").Visible = False
   End If

5.  To do validation on some of the controls within a repeater, you can use the example below:

Dim InvalidValue As Boolean = False
For Each i As RepeaterItem In rptMyObjectCollection.Items
   For Each ctrl As Control In i.FindControl("trMyRepeaterRow").Controls
      Dim lbl As New Label
      Dim txt As New TextBox
      lbl = ctrl.FindControl("lblMainLabel")
      If lbl.Text.Trim = SomeStringValue.Trim Then
         txt = ctrl.FindControl("txtSomeTextControl")
         If Not IsNumeric(txt.Text.Trim) Then
            InvalidValue = True
         End If
      End If


6.  Sometimes when working with a repeater, you will need to get the values individually instead of.  In that situation, you can use the following example: 

For Each MyOb As MyClass.Model.MyObject In thisMyObjectCollection
   For Each i As RepeaterItem In rptMyObjectCollection.Items
      For Each ctrl As Control In i.FindControl("trMyRepeaterRow").Controls
         Dim lbl As New Label
         Dim txt As New TextBox           
         Dim chk As New CheckBox
         lbl = ctrl.FindControl("lblMainLabel")
         If lbl.Text.Trim = SomeStringValue.Trim Then
            txt = ctrl.FindControl("txtSomeTextControl")
            MyOb.StringProperty = txt.Text
            chk = ctrl.FindControl("chkSomeCheckBox")
            MyOb.BitProperty = IIF(chk.checked, 1, 0)
         End If


7.  Below are the CSS tags used:

filter: alpha(opacity=90)

.popupMenu a
