Creating a Subweb
To add the FrontPage Server Extensions to a virtual folder, follow these steps:
Right-click the Default Web Site icon in the IIS management console, point to New,
and click Server Extensions Web on the shortcut menu.
IIS starts the New Subweb Wizard to walk you through adding the FrontPage Server Extensions
to your virtual folder. Click Next on the wizard title page to display the Subweb Name page.
Type the name of the virtual folder in the Directory Name box. This name corresponds to the
alias you entered in step 4 of the previous procedure. Type a description of the folder in
the Title box or leave it blank. Click Next. The wizard displays the Access Control page.
Accept the default access control settings by clicking Next, and then click Finish to create the subweb.
Creating a New Project in the Virtual Folder
After you create a new virtual folder and add the server extensions to it, you can use it
within Visual Studio .NET to create new projects. To create a Web application project in your
new virtual folder, choose New Project from the Visual Studio .NET File menu, and specify the
name of the virtual folder in the New Project dialog box.
The location you specify in the New Project dialog box takes the form http://servername/virtualfolder.
The server name localhost indicates that the server is running on your development machine.
The name virtualfolder is the alias you created for the virtual folder in the preceding tasks.