This white paper discusses the differences in syntax between the Microsoft® Visual Basic .NET™ and Microsoft® Visual C# .NET™ programming languages. Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET differ in terms of case sensitivity, variable declaration and assignment, data types, statement termination, statement blocks, use of parentheses versus brackets, operators, conditional statements, error handling, overflow checking, parameter passing, late binding, ways of handling unmanaged code, and keywords.
Because of the past differences between Microsoft® Visual Basic™, Microsoft® Visual C™, and Microsoft® Visual C++™, many developers have the impression that Microsoft® Visual C# .NET™ is a more powerful language than Microsoft® Visual Basic .NET™. Some developers assume that many things that are possible in Visual C# .NET are impossible in Visual Basic .NET, just as many things that are possible in Microsoft® Visual C™ 6.0 and earlier or Microsoft® Visual C++™ 6.0 and earlier are impossible in Microsoft® Visual Basic™ 6.0 and earlier. This assumption is incorrect. Although differences exist between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET, they are both first-class programming languages that are based on the Microsoft® .NET Framework, and they are equally powerful. Visual Basic .NET is a true object-oriented programming language that includes new and improved features such as inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and overloading. Both Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET use the common language runtime in the .NET Framework, and almost no performance issues now exist between them. Visual Basic .NET may be oriented more toward ease of use by providing features such as late binding, and Visual C# .NET may have a few more "power" features, such as handling unmanaged code, but the differences are very small compared to what they were in the past.
This document discusses differences between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET. However, the key point to keep in mind is that .NET is intended to be language-independent. The choice between Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET is typically based on your personal preference and past experience; for example, it is easier for Visual Basic 6.0 developers to use Visual Basic .NET, and for Visual C++ and Java programmers to use Visual C# .NET. The existing experience of a programmer far outweighs the small differences between the two languages.
Case Sensitivity
Identifier names in Visual Basic .NET are not case-sensitive, but identifier names in Visual C# .NET are. This primarily presents a problem when you write code, and is not an issue in debugging a program that already compiles.
Variable Declaration and Assignment
Variables in Visual Basic .NET are declared with the variable before the data type. In Visual C# .NET, the data type precedes the variables.
Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Dim i, j As Integer int i, j;
Dim i As Integer = 7 int i = 7;
Dim i(6) As Integer int[] i = new int[6];
Dim i() As Integer = New Integer(6) {}
Dim con As SqlConnection SqlConnection con;
Dim x As New Y("ABC") Y x = new Y("ABC");
Dim x As Y = New Y("ABC")
Data Types
Data Types
Simple data types have different names in Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET. For example, Integer in Visual Basic .NET is int in Visual C# .NET. However, System.Int32, the .NET Framework base type for which Integer and int are aliases, can be used in both languages. Visual C# .NET also supports the signed byte, unsigned short, unsigned int, and unsigned long data types, which are not available in Visual Basic .NET.
The following table lists the different data type names in each language and the base types for which they are aliases.
Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET .NET Framework
Boolean bool System.Boolean
Byte byte System.Byte
Short short System.Int16
Integer int System.Int32
Long long System.Int64
Single float System.Single
Double double System.Double
Decimal decimal System.Decimal
Date System.DateTime System.DateTime
String string System.String
Char char System.Char
Object object System.Object
n/a sbyte System.Sbyte
n/a ushort System.UInt16
n/a uint System.UInt32
n/a ulong System.UInt64
Visual Studio VB Net Visual Studio C# Net
Public Property ID() As Integer public int ID
Get {
Return _ID get { return _ID; }
End Get set { _ID = value; }
Set(ByVal Value As Integer) }
_ID = Value
End Set
End Property
Statement Termination
Statements in Visual Basic .NET are terminated by the end of the line. You can use the colon (:) to put multiple statements in a line, and you can use the line continuation (_) character to make a statement span several lines.
Statements in Visual C# .NET are terminated by the semicolon (;). You can use multiple statements per line, and statements can span multiple lines.
Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
A = 5 A = 5;
B = 7 : C = 8 B = 7; C = 8;
MySub (Arg1, _ MySub (Arg1,
Arg2, _ Arg2,
Arg3) Arg3);
Statement Blocks
Visual Basic .NET does not use arbitrary statement blocks. Instead, certain keywords that have a specialized terminating statement are used instead of the statement blocks.
In Visual C# .NET, braces ({}) are used to delimit a statement block; otherwise, a single statement is assumed.
Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
If A = 5 Then If (a == 5)
DoSomething() {
DoSomethingAgain() DoSomething();
End If DoSomethingAgain();
if (a == 5)
DoSomethingAgain(); //This is not part of
//the if statement.
Use of () vs. [ ]
Visual Basic .NET uses parentheses () to delimit array elements, function arguments, and property indexes.
Visual C# .NET uses parentheses () to delimit function arguments, and brackets ([]) to delimit array elements and property indexes.
Purpose Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Declare Dim a() As Long int[] x = new int[5];
an array Dim a(3, 5) as Integer
Initialize an Dim a() As Long = {3, 4, 5} int[] x = new int[5] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Reallocate array Redim n/a
Functions X= A(5) MySub(A, B, C);
Arguments MySub (A, B, C)
Property Indexes Y = MyDataSet.Tables_ Y = MyDataSet.Tables["Author"].
("Author").Rows(5)._ Rows[5].Columns["AuthorID"]
The operators that are used in Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET are quite different. The following table lists the main operators. This information can also be found in the Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET™ documentation.
Operator Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Addition + +
Subtraction - -
Multiplication * *
Division / /
Integer division \ / (depending on the operands)
Modulus Mod %
returning only
the remainder)
Exponentiation ^ n/a
Assignment = =
+= -= *= /* += -= *= /*
Integer division \= /= (depending on the operands)
Concatenate &= +=
Modulus n/a %=
Left shift n/a <<=
Right shift n/a >>=
Bitwise AND n/a &=
XOR n/a ^=
OR n/a |=
Relational and equality
Less than < <
Less than or equal to <= <=
Greater than > >
Greater than >= >=
or equal to
Equal = ==
Not equal <> !=
Compare two Is ==
object reference
Compare object TypeOf x Is Class1 x is Class1
reference type
Compare strings = == or String.Equals()
Concatenate strings & +
Shortcircuited AndAlso &&
Boolean AND
Shortcircuited OrElse ||
Boolean OR
Left shift n/a <<
Right shift n/a >>
Scope resolution
Scope resolution . ., base
Type cast Cint, CDbl, …, CType (type)
Member selection . .
Postfix increment n/a ++
Postfix decrement n/a --
Indirection n/a * (unsafe mode only)
Address of AddressOf & (unsafe mode only)
Logical NOT Not !
One's complement Not ~
Prefix increment n/a ++
Prefix decrement n/a --
Size of type n/a sizeof
Bitwise NOT Not ~
Bitwise AND And &
Bitwise XOR Xor ^
Bitwise OR Or |
Logical AND, OR And &&
Logical OR Or ||
Conditional IIf ?:
Pointer to member
Pointer to member n/a . (Unsafe mode only)
Conditional Statements
The following table lists the differences in the conditional statements that Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET use.
Conditional Statement Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Decision structure Select Case …, Case, switch, case, default,
(selection) Case Else, End Select
Decision structure If … Then, ElseIf … Then, if, else
(if … then) Else, End If
Loop structure While… End While, do, while, continue
(conditional) Do [While, Until] …,
Loop [While, Until]
Loop structure For …, [Exit For,] Next for, foreach
(iteration) For Each …,
[Exit For,] Next
For i As Integer = 0 _ for (int i = 0; i < List.Count - 1; i++)
To list.Count - 1 {
Next }
Control flow statement Exit, GoTo, Stop, End, continue, goto, return,
break, throw
Error Handling
Unstructured error handling is for backward compatibility. Visual Basic .NET supports both structured and unstructured error handling, but Visual C# .NET supports only structured error handling
Purpose Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Structured error Try try,
handling … catch,
Catch finally,
… throw
End Try
Unstructured error On Error GoTo … n/a
handling On Error Resume Next
Overflow Checking
Visual Basic .NET has a project level setting to check for overflow. However, the checking can only be turned on and off at the project level, instead of at the level of an expression or a block of code. To turn overflow checking on and off, follow these steps:
1. On the Project menu, click Properties.
2. Under Configuration Properties, select Optimizations, and then select or clear Remove integer overflow checks.
Visual C# .NET statements can run in either a checked or an unchecked context. In a checked context, arithmetic overflow raises an exception error. In an unchecked context, arithmetic overflow is ignored and the result is truncated. This can be used on an expression or a block of code.
Parameter Passing
Visual Basic .NET uses ByVal for passing parameters by value, and uses ByRef for passing parameters by reference. Visual Basic .NET can also force parameters to be passed by value, regardless of how they are declared, by enclosing the parameters in extra parentheses. Visual Basic .NET also supports optional parameters, which are not available in Visual C# .NET.
Visual C# .NET does not have a way to pass reference types (objects) strictly by value. You can either pass the reference (basically a pointer) or a reference to the reference (a pointer to a pointer). Unmanaged Visual C# .NET methods can take pointers just like Visual C++ methods. To pass a parameter by reference, Visual C# .NET uses the ref keyword. To use a ref parameter, the argument must explicitly be passed to the method as a ref argument. The value of a ref argument is passed to the ref parameter.
Purpose Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Pass by value Public Sub ABC (ByVal void ABC(int x)
y As Long) {
… ...
End Sub }
ABC(x) ABC(i);
Pass by reference Public Sub ABC(ByRef void ABC(ref int x)
y As Long) {
… ...
End Sub }
ABC(x) ABC(ref i);
Optional parameter Supported n/a
Late Binding
Both Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET can implement implicit late binding through reflection. However, implementing late binding in Visual Basic .NET is much easier than in Visual C# .NET.
In Visual Basic .NET, as in Visual Basic 6.0, the Visual Basic compiler calls a helper method behind the scenes that uses reflection to obtain the object type. The arguments that are passed to the helper method cause the appropriate method to be invoked at run time. These arguments are the object on which to invoke the method, the name of the invoked method that is a string, and the arguments that are passed to the invoked method that is an array of objects. Additionally, you can implement late binding explicitly in code through reflection.
Imports System
Module Hello
Sub Main()
' Set up variable.
Dim helloObj As Object
' Create the object.
helloObj = new HelloWorld()
' Invoke the print method as if it was early bound
' even though it is really late bound.
helloObj.PrintHello("Visual Basic Late Bound")
End Sub
End Module
In Visual C# .NET, implementing late binding is more difficult than in Visual Basic .NET. Instead of having the compiler implement late binding, you must explicitly implement late binding in code by using reflection.
Handing Unmanaged Code
Visual C# .NET permits you to write unmanaged code. In unmanaged code, you can do things such as declare and operate on pointers, perform conversions between pointers and integral types, and take the address of variables. In a sense, writing unmanaged code is much like writing Visual C code in a Visual C# .NET program.
Because code that is written by using an unmanaged context cannot be verified to be safe, it is run only when the code is fully trusted. Do not use unmanaged context to try to write Visual C code in Visual C# .NET. Unmanaged code must be clearly marked with the modifier unsafe so that developers cannot use unmanaged features accidentally, and the execution engine works to make sure that unmanaged code cannot be run in a non-trusted environment. The scope of the unmanaged context extends from the parameter list to the end of the function, so pointers can also be used in the parameter list.
In Visual Basic .NET, you cannot write unmanaged code.
The following table lists the keywords that Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET use in several categories. This information can also be found in the Visual Studio .NET online documentation.
Purpose Visual Basic .NET Visual C# .NET
Indicates a class Public Class Class1 public class Class1
constructor Public Sub New(..) {
MyBase.New public Class1(..)
… {
End Sub …
… }
End Class ….
Note: You have to call the }
base class constructor Note: The call to the base class
explicitly in VB .NET. constructor (base()) is generated
automatically by the compiler
in Visual C# .NET if you do not
include constructor initializers.
Indicates a class Protected Overrides Sub public class Class1
destructor Finalize() {
Note: The Destructor m_Gadget = Nothing public ~Class1()
or Finalize method m_Gear = Nothing {
is called by garbage MyBase.Finalize() ….
collection. End Sub }
Declares a class Class class
Indicates class Public Class A public class A : B
inheritance Inherits B {
… …
End Class }
Indicates that the MustInherit abstract
class can only be
inherited and cannot
be instantiated
Indicates that the NotInheritable sealed
class cannot be
Calls your own MyClass None
implementation of the
method instead of an
overridden method
in the derived class
Refers to a base class MyBase base
from the derived class
Declares a type-safe Delegate delegate
reference to a class
Indicates that the Overrides override
method or the
property overrides
the implementation
in its base class
Indicates that these MustOverride(in MustInherit abstract (in abstract
methods have no class) class)
implementation and
must be implemented
in derived classes
Indicates that the NotOverridable sealed
method or the Note: By default, methods
property cannot be are not overridable.
overridden in
derived classes
Indicates that the Overridable virtual
method or the
property can be
overridden in an
inheriting class
Overloads a Overloads None. Define functions with
procedure, a function, same name but different signatures.
or a method
Specifies that a WithEvents No specific keyword
variable can contain
an object whose
events you want to
Specifies the events Handles (Event procedures n/a
for which an event can still be associated
procedure will be with a WithEvents variable
called by naming pattern.)
Evaluates an object With objExpr n/a
expression one time <.member>
to access multiple <.member>
members End With
Refers to the Me This
current object
Declares an Enum Enum
enumerated type …
End Enum
Declares an interface Interface interface
Implements an interface Implements class C1 : I1
Indicates an indexer Default Property public string this[int index]
get {return List[index];}
set {List[index]=value;}
Class Access Modifiers
Indicates that Public public
the modifier is
accessible outside
the project or the
Indicates that the Friend internal
modifier is
accessible inside
the assembly only
Indicates that the Private private
modifier is
accessible only in
the project (for
nested classes, in
the enclosing class)
Class Member Access Modifiers
Indicates that the Public public
modifier is
accessible outside
the class and
the project
Indicates that the Friend internal
modifier is
accessible outside
the class, but in
the project
Indicates that the Private private
modifier is only
accessible in a
class or a module
Indicates that the Protected protected
modifier is
accessible only to
current and derived
Indicates the union Protected Friend protected internal
of Protected and
Friend or Internal
Indicates that the Shared static
members are shared
across all instances
Miscellaneous Lifetime
Preserves the local Static n/a
variables for the
Calls the Windows API Declare statement use Platform Invoke
Indicates a comment ', Rem //, /* */ for miltine comments,
/// for XML comments
Indicates a constant Const Const, readonly
Creates a new object New, CreateObject new
Declares a function Sub void
or a method with no
return value
Declares that an n/a volatile
object can be
Declares a variable Private, Public, Friend, declarators (keywords include
Protected, Static, user-defined types and Shared, Dim built-in types)
Declares a variable Option Explicit None (All variables
explicitly must be declared before use)
Declares and raises Event, RaiseEvent event
an event
Declares a structure Structure struct
End Structure
Defines a default Default by using indexers
Declares a null object Nothing null
Declares a namespace Namespace Namespace
… {
End Namespace …
Indicates namespace Imports using
Retrieves a character GetChar Function [ ]
from a string
Returns the address AddressOf (For class delegate
of a function members, this operator
returns a reference
to a function in the
form of a delegate
Tests for a null Obj Is Nothing obj == null
Tests for a database IsDbNull n/a
null expression
Threads primitives SyncLock lock